The Sea Salt

Southern California Surfing Food

Endive Boats with Bacon, Walnuts, Cranberries & Gorgonzola

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This is a perfect Thanksgiving appetizer.

Appetizers are essential for Thanksgiving dinner.

But you don’t want your guests to overeat. Especially if you’re not sure that your turkey is 100% delicious (you’re going to need that hunger factor).

Veggie platters can be dull, and cheese platters can be too heavy.

Solution: the endive.

Fill the bite-size leaves with cheese, bacon, nuts and dried fruit, and drizzle with honey. Unless you have 20 of these (which actually might be hard to not do), guests will still be hungry for dinner, but satisfied with some rich fall flavors.

Endive Boats with Bacon, Walnuts, Cranberries & Gorgonzola


Yields about 20 pieces

  • 2 whole Endives, leaves removed, rinsed and dried (leave the tiny ones on the inside that are too small) *Each endive gave me about 8-10 leaves, but it will be different for everyone. 
  • 1/3 cup crispy cooked bacon, cooled and crumbled (if you want to go veg, omit bacon and add more of everything else)
  • 1/3 cup toasted walnuts, chopped
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup gorgonzola cheese, crumbled
  • s&p
  • EVOO
  • honey
  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley


  1. In a small bowl, combine bacon, walnuts and cranberries.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Drizzle with EVOO and honey (don’t be too generous, you don’t want filling swimming in oil and honey, you just want to moisten the mixture). 
  3. Add gorgonzola to mixture and toss.
  4. Fill endive leaves with about 1-2 tsps mixture.
  5. Arrange on platter and drizzle with honey, and a sprinkle of sea salt if needed.
  6. Sprinkle fresh parsley on top and serve.

Endive Boats with Bacon, Walnuts, Cranberries & Gorgonzola Endive Boats with Bacon, Walnuts, Cranberries & Gorgonzola

Author: The SEA SALT

Cooking and surfing in Southern California

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